9 Moons Cosmic Rebirthing Series

Womxn’s 9 month trauma healing/soul retrieval course based in Curanderismo.

An intensive 9 month circle teaching one to confront themselves in the obsidian mirror and face their black Tezcatlipoca's. Emotional journey within the heart to uncover the lost/forgotten fragments of self & rediscover your tonalli /soul essence.

We are here to flower, to sing. In Xochitl, in Cuicatl. It is time to discover your cosmic identity.

2025 ONLINE circles Registration is open till February 22nd 2025.

Join the Sisterhood/Comunidad

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We are in a new cycle of time, where our first conquest is not of others, but of oneself. 

True Warriors do not go into battle upon an enemy in war, but they meet their reflections in the original mirror (which is the moon) and face their own enemies (which are our traumas) and the battle is to heal oneself and make ourselves whole again.   

We womxn are like Coyolxauhqui, broken and dismembered, but we are slowly putting ourselves back together again & remembering why we are.
— Nana Xochi Quetzalli
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Rebirth of the Soul

Are you ready for rebirth of the soul thru a 9 month soul retrieval?

Together at 9 moons we journey together into our hearts & the heart of the earth to unravel the deep layers childhood trauma, susto, & generational traumas buried in el corazon de la tierra.

Traveling within the mind to uncover birth trauma, sexual trauma, & ancestral traumas.

We then begin the journey of healing ourselves and putting ourselves back together again.

9 month intensive series

Based in Curanderismo, Ancestral Medicine, and Mexica y Maya Cosmology.

This series is offered both online and in person once a year.

Online Course Includes

~ Online Series is from February thru November in 2025 ~

  • 9 New Moon Classes - 3 hours - Totals 27 hours + of Class Time

  • 9 Full Moon Circles - 1 hour - Totals 9 hours of zoom circles

  • 9 Guided Full Moon Ceremonies

  • 9 Healing Art Rituals (Video Instructions, Supplies not included)

  • 9 Healing Homework Assignments

  • 9 Healing Journal Assignments

    + Plus a bonus Opportunity to meet in person for our 9th (last) full moon ceremony.

Live Course Includes

~ Live Series is from April thru December ~

  • 9 New Moon Classes - 5 hours - Totals over 45 hours of in person classes (Eureka, CA)

  • 9 Medicine Tools

  • 9 Healing Art Rituals

  • 9 Healing Homework Assignments

  • 9 Healing Journal Assignments

  • 9 Guided Full Moon Ceremonies

    + Join us for our 1st and 9th (first & last) full moon ceremony.

9 Moon's is a 9 month birthing series that was born in 2018. It has run consistently the past 7 years, with 16 different circles and over 180 students.

Gather each month on the New Moon for a 3 hour virtual class or 5 hour in person class. Classes open with platica & consist of Mediation, Visualization, Journeying, and a Soul Retrieval.

+ Each class shares teachings & rituals from the ancient wisdom of the Mexica & Maya people.

The class series work with the 2 aspects of birth: Cosmic Rebirth & Physical Birth of a baby

It is time, as a nation of womxn to raise our voices and step into our leadership; the earth demands it.

But this can only begin, once we heal ourselves thro our center of power; the womb. This is done thro the ancient practices of self healing and teachings of Curanderismo.

We begin by healing our birth stories and finish by remembering our destines thro a cosmic rebirth.

Womxn of the Moon

Nana Xochiketzalli is an Aj’Qij, Healer, & Teacher + abuela of Ilhuicaatl Meztli Danza/ Where the Sky Meets the Water Moondance. This 9 moons course is a combination of ancestral medicine, indigenous birth wisdom, and Curanderismo.

The course is open to all races of womxn. It has been taught to Nana by her abuelas y maestras to include all colors of people. Upholding the the vision of coming together & unity amongst all, thus everyone is invited whose called. Do you hear la llamada?

Because the course is based in Curanderismo and includes birth wisdom and spiritual teachings of the Mexica & Maya, we thus honor those who are called to do this work and participate in the series of Latinx Decent. Yet again, everyone is invited. Bienvenidas

As a collective heal physical, emotional, or mental blockages that live in the womb. These blockages may create reproductive health issues, emotional health problems, or a loss of tonalli (spirit essence).

Learn how to show up for one another in spiritual community and together face your darkness. When you do the work as a sisterhood/community, you begin to heal the threads of time. By you facing your traumas, generations of womxn in your familias will begin to heal as well.

Wisdom of the Womb

With the series being based in Curanderismo, the essence of the original teachings must stay intact and thus both the online or in person series is offered at lower income base and sliding scale.

Traditionally in Curanderismo always an exchange is met for the healing service or offering made. Thus your ofrenda is a gift in exchange for the 100’s of hours of writing and dreaming to create this cosmic rebirthing series.

If you have more abundance in your life, please give more to allow those with less, to be able to participate & thus creating a balanced exchange for Nana Xochiketzalli.

This is a self healing class series. There is absolutely no certification in Curanderismo at the end. The teachings and rituals are to be used on yourself, in your own self healing & not on clientele. You cannot be taught in the ways of Curanderismo online, this is an oral tradition, done with los sabios.

As well with traditional protocol, our zoom calls on the new moon are solely a class format. On the Full moon we meet on zoom for a song circle and to prepare for our personal healing rituals, which we then do alone afterwards.

9 Moon’s Classes

Class 1 - Grandmother Moon / Abuela Luna

New Moon Visualization – Womb Purification

Full Moon Ceremony – Water Limpia

Class 2 - Birthing the Sun / Nacimiento del Sol

New Moon Visualization – Remembering Your Birth

Full Moon Ceremony – Fire Ritual

Class 3 - Dream Weaver / Tejedora de Sueños

New Moon Visualization – Dreaming your Birth

Full Moon Ceremony – Mirror Ritual

Class 4 - Jaguar Warrior / Guerra Jaguar

New Moon Visualization – Physical Womb Health

Full Moon Ceremony – Womb Steam Ritual

Class 5 – Cosmic Winds / Los Aires Cosmicos

New Moon Visualization - Surrendering los aires

Full moon Ceremony – Sweeping Ritual

9 Moon’s Classes

Class 6 - Flowering Heart / Corazon Florecido

New Moon Visualization - Releasing Trauma

Full Moon Ceremony – Flower Limpia

Class 7 – Ancestor’s Song / Canto del Antepasados

New Moon Visualization – Healing Ancestral Trauma

Full Moon Ceremony – Feeding the Spirits

Class 8 – Obsidian Butterfly / Mariposa Obsidiana

New Moon Visualization - Cutting Cords

Full Moon Ceremony – Obsidian Knife Ritual

Class 9 – Blossoming Destiny / Destino Floreciendo

New Moon Visualization – Sweatlodge Rebirth

Full Moon Ceremony – Rebirthing Ceremony

+ Community Sweatlodge Ceremony

9 Moons is an initiation ritual for rebirth of the soul. Remember the essence of who you are and who you came to be.

Looking thro the obsidian mirror, we learn to begin to see ourselves thro a new reflection and begin to transform.

Transforming our lives, like butterflies and giving birth and light to a new identity in a cosmic rebirth.
There is evidence that humans are profoundly affected by their experience in the womb and the effects of these experiences remain after birth. It can be challenging to recognize and address trauma that occurs before birth.

Once these memories are brought up and healed in ritual and ceremony, we as womxn are then more ready to bring life into this world.

Registration for 2025 online circles

Online Circles

Join from anywhere in the world in either 2 online circles.

The different circles are identical, but offered at different times to make it accessible for different time zones and to keep each circle small.

- Tonalli Circle - 10:00am to 1:00pm (Pacific)

- Yohualli Circle - 7:00pm to 10:00pm (Pacific)

Each New Moon we meet online for a 3 hour virtual class & on the Full Moon we meet online for an hour circle. In the hour circle you are given instructions & guidance to do your own healing full moon ritual, which you will do after the call.

- Sliding Scale Pricing -

$396 to $594

Each class ranges from $44 to $66 each, yet payment must be made in full before the start of the series or use the Klarna payment plan (4 payments of $112)

To see if you qualify for the payment plan, register and a link will be sent in your confirmation email.

+ 1-3 Full Scholarships (per circle) will be offered to WOC (2025 scholarships have been filled)


Registration opens April 1st 2025 for Live circles

Live Circle

Join us in Eureka, California for a 5 hour in person class for 9 new moons. From the month of April - December each year.

+ Join us for our first & last full moon ceremony.

Registration Opens April 1st 2025

Live Circle

- Saturday Tiotaqui Circle - 1:00 to 6:00 pm

Humboldt Hill, Eureka California

The Tiotaqui circle is held each month on the Saturday nearest the new moon.

It is a 5 hour in person class, held inside a Native American tipi. In person we enter the dreamtime together around abuelito fuego, thro guided mediation and visualization, and then end with a dream weaving ceremony.

In addition this class includes a Sacred Art Ritual that is designed for the last hour of class. The cost of the in person series is more than the online series as it’s much longer long + includes the materials for each months art project, wood and supplies, & as well it includes all 9 medicine tools for your altars.

- Sliding Scale Pricing $594 to $792

Classes range from $66 to $88 each, but payment is to be made in full before the start of the series or use the 3 tier payment plan of 3 payments of $200.


2025 Registration for the 9 Moons ONLINE Circles is OPEN until February 23rd or until seats fill.

2025 Registration for the 9 Moons LIVE in person series is closed. Opens April 1st 2025