Xochi Quetzalli offers 4 forms of Healings in the traditions of Curanderismo.
- Traditional Limpia with Plática (90 minutes)
- Limpia de Flores with Plática (90 minutes)
- Spirit Medicine Healing - Soul Retrieval Limpia ( 3 hours )
- Personal Mayan Fire Ceremony - Divination, Healing, & Petition ( 3 hours)
Healings in the traditions of Curanderismo focus on healing on all 3 levels, the physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Each healing is unique, utilizing the Platica ritual to open the space. The safe space allows one to go within their own soul, remember, and find their own solutions. Different medicine tools are used, such as copal to cleanse, herbs used in sweeping, or an egg for divination.
Different indigenous healing modalities are also incorporated into each unique healing, such as journeying, soul retrieval, or reiki.
In this tradition you come with an intention and we will work together to see this intention met, yet often more than one healing will be needed.
Traditional Limpia
Limpias are a real solution to healing your body, mind, & spirit. The foundation of Curanderismo is to not just treat an illness, but also to look at how and from where it manifested in the emotional body or spiritual plan.
A limpia is used to cleanse the spirit & determine what is ailing the body.
Limpias are an indigenous folk healing method that comes from Latin America. In western terms it is a spiritual energetic cleanse, using specific medicine tools to heal the unseen levels of consciousness.
The most common reason to need a limpia is to simply rid the body of difficult emotions. These emotions are often caused by ourselves, being hard on ourselves. Our emotions come as teachers, if we are willing to look inside and begin to understand where they come from. If we feel them for too long of a time, especially if they are full of anger, negativity, or jealousy your spiritual health or physical health declines.
As well others can too cast emotions upon another and thus cause effects on our health. From hex’s or brujeria to unseen spirits and energies, all attaching to those who are sensitive or in a moment of vulnerability.
Yet more often it is our own emotions or traumas and unwilling to look within. Our own doubts, rejection, fear, anger, resentment, or envy are just a few heavy ailments to our soul. If these emotions are felt over lengths of time, they can migrate into the spiritual plan or even the physical one.
Our traumas are a mixture of heavy emotions that we can carry for years, generations, or even further back lifetimes ago. Often we are unaware of what caused our traumas, as it may have been an event that passed when we were a child or even at birth. And we are taught as children to hide away these emotions, to not deal with them.
Traumas can be literally tucked away into secret locations within our memory, thus to not look at. Yet as adults, our traumas effect our life path. Thus it is dire to look within, so that these negative emotions do not manifest into real health problems.
Xochi Quetzalli offer’s limpia appointments from 12 - 6pm.
They range from an hour to two hours long and begin with a short platica/heart to heart talk that opens the space.
Donation Based
90 Minutes
Limpia de Flores
Flower Limpias are a sweeping for a weeping heart, healing heavy emotions like loss, heartache, sadness, grief, rejection, or low self esteem. Limpia de Flores is a beautiful healing treating heart related illnesses on the emotional plan using flowers, candlelight, touch, and the power of sound to sooth your broken heart.
- Yolpoliuhqui -
A Broken Heart
The Heart is the essence of who we are, what enables us to live, what gives us life. In nahuatl there are so many forms and variations of the word Yollotl, meaning Heart. There are many different types of illnesses as well that all have to do with our hearts, for the heart is the center of our universe.
In curanderismo, the soul is what illuminates our beings, yet parts of it can leave our body or hide in the darkest corner of our mind when we do not deal with our heavy emotions.
Heavy emotions come to knock on our door to our consciousness, asking to look within ourselves, acknowledge why we are feeling a certain way, and begin the journey as seeing our emotions as teachers.
A flower limpia is a soothing and empowering healing to let go the heavy emotions, wipe the tears, and surrender our heartache and return it back to Tonantzin Tllali, our Mother Earth.
In a flower limpia one is first given permission and encouraged to feel each heavy emotion of the heart, such as loss, grief, heartbreak, rejection, or depression, ect… and react to it thru vocal sound or body trembles. Doing this allows the spirit to begin the long road of healing.
Touch and loving words are used in each healing, along with an abundance of candlelight, copal smoke, and flowers. An egg is used as well, a traditional element to release all negative and toxic emotions. The ritual closes with song and sound to call your heart home and return it to its proper place in the body.
Xochi Quetzalli offer’s all limpia appointments from 12 - 6pm.
Email to set up a time thru Monday - Friday (And some Saturdays)
They range from an hour to two hours long and begin with a short platica/heart to heart talk that opens the space.
Donation Based
90 Minutes
Spirit Medicine Healing
Soul Retrieval Limpia
Trauma is deeply embedded within our psyches, and thus one healing is often not enough. A traditional limpia opens up the space to begin to uncover these heavy events, but a soul retrieval limpia looks to healing specific traumas we have uncovered. We travel within to find the lost pieces of our soul loss (our Trauma or Susto) and recover them thro guided journeying and ritual.
Soul Retrieval a loss of Spirit
A Spirit Medicine Healing is a spiritual Limpia, but we go deeper within the heart and spirit for a unique form of soul retrieval.
Together we journey around the medicine wheel, honoring the 4 directions while calling upon the deities, ancestors, & helping guides to travel together in this recuperación del alma.
Susto is a commonly treated ailment in Curanderismo and translates to a shock or scare. At its core it is a traumatic event where our spirit jumps out of our body out of fear and shock. When we are young and are children, we especially do not know how to deal with trauma and thus a Soul Loss, loss of spirit, or loss of Tonalli (Spirit Essence) may form. Yet susto occurs in all times of our lives, yet the older it is, the heavier it becomes.
Soul Loss may trigger many accidents in ones life, along with bad patterns, and repeating ones mistakes. A deep seeded soul loss looks like addiction and can cause illness, to even death. It is important to treat it as soon as you become aware of it. In the body it causes heavy energies like depression, anxiety, lack of interest, and insomnia to name just a few.
In this 2 to 3 hour ritual, Xochiketzalli calls in the helping spirits and together we walk the medicine wheel. She will then facilitate a journey within the heart of the earth with the wolf as your guide; all while lying on an actual wolf skin. Deep within your spirit, travel within to search for lost pieces of your soul.
During this journey, dozens of candles and velaciones, smudging herbs and incense, and drum and song set the space; with burls of sacred smoke filling the yurt temple. During the journey within, Xochi uses more animal hides, bones, and wings in a limpia sweeping along with crystals, candles, and bundled herbs. Music, Rattles, and Song are also incorporated into each unique journey.
To schedule a Spirit Medicine Healing, Xochi recommends you see her for a traditional limpia first. After your first healing, if you would like to continue deeper into your journey, then you may schedule a soul retrieval limpia.
Soul Retrievals are Sliding Scale.
2 to 3 Hours long
Sliding Scale $100 - $250
3 hour Session
Community Limpia Clinic
Limpia Clinic
Join us at our monthly to quarterly limpia clinics. Walk in, donation based offering in down town Eureka, making ancestral healing accessible to all.
This type of limpia offering is quiet shorter, generally 10-20 minutes. This makes room for more people to be seen in a shorter time. Everyone is given a time for a short introduction and a platica along with the healing.
Reasons for a limpia range from needing to discover the root cause of illness, to anxiety, fear, negative self-talk, anger, or even envy (either directed towards oneself or that one feels towards another person). As well sometimes one needs a cleansing to remove obstacles in their relationships, or to letting go of unforgiveness or grudges (either towards another person or towards oneself.)
Please follow us on Instagram for upcoming community clinic dates. This offering is brought by Somos Medicina Collective with various Curanderismo Practitition’s participating.
Donation Based
15 minutes
For more information