Personal Rituals
Xochi Quetzalli offers 4 different personal Ritual in the traditions of Curanderismo.
Indigenous Baptism / Newborn Blessing
Coming of Age Ceremony
Indigenous Wedding Ritual
Home Blessings or Limpia de Casa
Nana Xochiketalli offers individual or family rituals from cleansing, initiations, or blessings.
As an Aj’Q’ij, she utilizes the Mayan fire ceremony in many of her offerings.
A traditional Mayan Baptismo includes a bano for the newborn at sunrise as she calls in the sun and the childs tonalli. It can then continue forward with a Mayan Fire ceremony blessing the family, calling on protection, and giving thanks for all that Creator has provided.
Coming of age ceremonies for girls honors a young girl once she has had her first menstruation. The ritual is for womxn (grandmothers, mothers, aunties, sisters) only and includes song, flowers, and a limpia with a Mayan fire ceremony.
Wedding Blessings can range from a simple blessing using instruments from Curanderismo to a more involved Mayan fire ceremony done on a specific day in the Chol’Qij Mayan Calendar in order to bless the relationship and call in a harmonious marriage.
A Limpia de Casa is a spiritual cleansing of your home. Xochiketzalli and her apprentice Sandra Alvarez work together as it can be tedious work energetically cleansing a home of negative energy or unwanted spirits. As well simple home blessings are a possibility.
Scheduling a personal ritual requires you to contact Xochiketzalli.
Certain days in the Chol’’ij Mayan Calendar add power to any of these ritual’s, thus please fill out the form below to initiate contact and together we can find the best date possible.