The community limpia clinic will be offered by Nana Sebastiana, Nana Xochiketzalli, and Sandra Alvarez. This is a community offering that is donation based and one of the 13 day offereing’s during Nana Sebastiana’s visit to California.
Reasons for a limpia range from needing to discover the root cause of illness, to anxiety, fear, negative self-talk, anger, or even envy (either directed towards oneself or that one feels towards another person). As well sometimes one needs a cleansing to remove obstacles in their relationships, or to letting go of unforgiveness or grudges (either towards another person or towards oneself.)
Each basic limpia is only a half hour with a short 15 minute platica. If you would like an hour long healing and more involved limpia, schedule a private session during August 22nd - 26th. At this limpia clinic, you will receive the healing by one of the 3 healers practicing at the limpia clinic that day.
Donation based.